World renowned craftsman Wagmi-san, famous for the most grailed accessories, recently set up a shop in New Tokyo called 10KTF.
Digital artisan Wagmi-san is known throughout New Tokyo for 10KTF, an unassuming storefront where holders from 24 top NFT collections can mint 1:1 digital gear featuring their avatar.
Build out your collection and use your gear in, 10KTF's PFP event platform. Unlock holder-only events, community spaces, and physical releases.
World renowned craftsman Wagmi-san, famous for the most grailed accessories, recently set up a shop in New Tokyo called 10KTF.
A man of honor, he only makes objects for customers who own 10KTF-supported PFPs. His accessories are 1 of 1 digital objects that will only be created once.
Life is good. But he’s still required to pay for protection to keep his shop open. It’s better than the alternative. After what happened Last Summer, he can’t let that happen again.
I'm new here. WTF is 10KTF?
There are 2 main material collections: Stockroom and Combat Crates
Our community members make great Guides too.

- 10KTF - Genesis and Crafted (Level 1)
- 10KTF Combat Gear - Yield higher points in (Level 2)
- 10KTF Gucci Grail - 11 top NFT projects in Gucci gear
- 10KTF Kagami - 893 tokens with accompanying physical art pieces.
- 10KTF Stockroom - Tools, Blanks, and Level 1 Materials. Also include limited-edition items.
- 10KTF Combat Crates - All Crates will reveal a Level 2 Combat Blank
- Grailed PUMA Slipstreams - ready NFTs with matching physical counterparts.
Owners of 10KTF-supported PFPs can create items on Each item available at 10KTF requires the user to own the corresponding 10KTF-supported PFP in order to create their derivative accessories. For example, for Ape High Tops, only owners of a Bored Ape can create and mint an Ape High Top. Moreover, only one Ape High Top can be minted for each Bored Ape, so there can be at most 10,000 Ape High Tops created, one for each respective Bored Ape.
In addition to the 10KTF collection, Wagmi-san’s customers that hold 10KTF Stockroom Tools and Materials can now use them to craft Blank items. They can use Blank items to create their desired derivative NFT.
Wagmi-san can currently craft 10KTF Blanks into finished accessories for the following collections:
When the shop is open, Level 1 accessories, as well as Level 2 Combat Gear will be available for you to mint. Stockroom Blanks are available for both Level 1 and Level 2 items. Level 1 items from the 10KTF Genesis or Crafted collections include: High Tops, Daypacks, Hats, Hoodies, and Socks.
Level 2 items are from the 10KTF Combat collection. These items include: Helmets, Kevlar Vests, Boots, and Weapons. Combat items will give players the ability to yield higher points on set bonuses in Missions and Bounties.
All Level 1 and Level 2 items can now be recycled. Complete full sets and mint with the PFP of your choice by recycling finished items into Blanks.
You must bring a Blank item and your 10KTF-supported PFP to begin crafting.
Minting of Level 1 items requires a Blank and costs 20 $APE, plus gas fees.
Minting Level 2 Combat Gear requires a Combat Blank plus gas fees.
Recycling lets 10KTF item holders enjoy New Tokyo in new ways by turning finished Level 1 items and Level 2 Combat Gear into Stockroom Blanks which can be minted again using their 10KTF-supported PFP.
Recycling for Level 1 items costs 10 $APE + gas fees. Level 2 Combat Gear can be recycled for 15 $APE + gas fees. To craft Level 2 Combat Gear, just pay gas.
All Level 1 items that have been minted with a 10KTF-supported PFP can be recycled. This includes the entire Genesis and Crafted collection.
All Level 2 Combat Gear that have been minted with a 10KTF-supported PFP can be recycled, this does not include Combat Crates.
Recycling burns the NFT being recycled and replaces it with a Blank of the same item. When a Genesis item is recycled, the Genesis property will be lost and cannot be restored. Genesis items will no longer yield G Tags when recycled. The Genesis property represents items minted before December 9, 2021.
The same combination of item type and PFP can be recycled an unlimited number of times.
Yes, all items will be 1:1. Any finished 10KTF item that has been burned can be minted again. However, if a Genesis item was burned, it will be minted as a Crafted item after recycling.
NFTs in a cold (vault) wallet cannot be recycled. The NFT you want to recycle must be in the hot (connected) wallet.
Level 2 Combat Gear is a limited collection that includes Helmets, Kevlar Vests, Boots, and Weapons. Combat Gear gives players the ability to yield higher points on set bonuses in Missions and Bounties. See FAQ for more details.
Level 2 Combat Gear is stored in Combat Crates. When revealed, each Crate will contain 1 Combat Blank. These Blanks will require a 10KTF-supported PFP in order to mint a 1:1 Combat item. 10KTF Gucci Grails are not a 10KTF-supported PFP.
- Update Ledger Live, Ledger Device Firmware, and the Ledger Ethereum app to most recent version.
- Turn on Contract Data and start the Ethereum app on your Ledger device.
- Select “Settings”
- Select “Allowed” on Contract Data
- Make sure Ledger Live application is active and Device Bridge is Open
- Try both Chrome and Brave. Sometimes one works and the other doesn’t.
- Try disabling/uninstalling Metamask plugin in the browser and then re-enabling/installing Metamask.
- If you are being quoted an extraordinarily high gas fee in MetaMask, you will need more ETH in your wallet to get a proper quote.